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(Written by Art Photographer Neeva Kedem)
The story behind shooting the PARIS letters:
Tons of words were written about Paris. The romance, the charm, the coffee shops, the fashion. Paris inspires so many people in its own unique way. Photographing the Imagine Letters Paris line was a bliss! Paris is a true heaven for photographers. Every corner of it offers some kind of magical scene to capture. The ancient architecture, the style – It's all there, in each and every picture!
Paris was the place where I first captured the L letters with museum frames. I found it hilarious! Like a little exciting girl, I went from one artwork to another in Paris biggest museums just to get these L shapes, found in the frames corners! Each frame was nicer than the other, and the artwork inside gave me some real wow moments. It was a delight.
The Eiffel tower is a story by itself. The huge tower looks much bigger in real life than in pictures. I went there during winter time, so choosing the stairs way up (instead of the elevator) was a pretty cold choice... The Eiffel looks fascinating from every angle you are looking at it.
I was taking pictures of the Eiffel in more than one opportunity: mornings, afternoons and night times. Each time I went to take the pictures from a different angels. Waiting for the sunset was really nice – the sky turned pink and purple, mixed with a bit of a golden yellow which I loved! It was a stunning view of the Eiffel tower and the beautiful city below.
Selecting and editing the Paris alphabet photos was a long process as I took thousands of pictures of the city and its surroundings. But eventually, we came up with probably the most beautiful alphabet photos in the market! The Paris letters turned out to be our biggest success!
My favourite letter photo from Paris:
Very hard decision! It's almost like telling which child of yours you prefer!! I love them all and they are all so special to me! Each letter represent a different experience that I went through – different emotions that were involved, different feelings.
But if you really push me to the corner, I'll go for the Eiffel tower at night (the letter i). I was waiting there for hours, to get the perfect light and position. The fountains at the front of the the tower were also very beautiful, and the reflection of the lite tower in the fountain's water was fascinating! It was a stunning view, and I stayed there long after the sun was set (despite the freezing cold. I hardly felt it actually. The view was too nice to notice the weather!).
Click here to view the PARIS alphabet letter photos collection
The letter i from Paris |
The story behind the LONDON letters:
London is like the more sophisticated twin sister of Paris: you may not fall in love in the first minute, but you will discover an unforgettable beauty and charm that are there for hundreds of years, waiting to be discovered by so many people from all over the world.
It took me a bit longer to create the London Imagine Letters line. Maybe it was the rain that kept me off duty for hours, or just the fact that everybody simply speak English, which led me to more conversations with local people (we talked about the weather of course...). London was very friendly to me, and I got used to it really quick. The different driving directions drove me nuts at first – I almost got killed for some of the pictures... it happened more than once, that I was standing on the edge of a sidewalk, concentrating on taking a picture of something far away, while a huge red bus was passing me from the right side in a scary speed, maybe couple of inches away! I thanked god quietly for staying alive, kept calm and carried on :-)
London offers mainly tradition. There is a tradition in every corner – the palace with its guards, the museums, the buildings, even tea time – it's all about what we did in the last hundred years and we keep doing it today as this is who we are. Take it or leave it kind of style. As a photographer, it was very interesting to capture all these, first with a big smile on my face and later with a great appreciation.
In term of alphabet letter photos, London was a true treasure for me. There where letters everywhere – I found classic letters, funky letters and funny letters! All kinds and styles! I was walking the streets of London for hours, forgetting about food or drink, busy with getting all these amazing letters to the Imagine Letters collection. At night, I felt my body sour with muscle pain, but I didn't really care. It was what I call 'a pain of joy' :-)
I came back home to Toronto from London with thousands of alphabet pictures, tight muscles and a bit of an English accent :-)
My favourite letter photo from London:
Another tough decision... I guess I'm thorn between the Big Ben, which is a great monument and a well known British icon (which creates the letter i), and the artwork of Charles Robert Leslie in its golden beautiful frame (which creates the letter L).
Since the Big Ben would make a very obvious choice, I'll go for the artwork... I saw it in the Victoria & Albert museum, and it got me in a second. The gentle look on the girl's face, the way she looks at her precious jewelry... together with the ancient gold frame, it made the perfect L!
Click here to view the LONDON alphabet letter photos collection
The letter L from London |
The story behind the NEW YORK letters:
Let me start telling the story of New York with a customer's testimonial:
“Your art is just fabulous and takes me back to the sights that surrounded me when I lived in NYC. Thanks for letting me have the CITY again! You're great guys !!! Liz
Liz put it really well: The Idea behind capturing the New York letters (it was my first city alphabet line), was to bring the city to the people who wanted to feel its inspiration close by, to be surrounded by it again. No matter if you lived in New York in the past or just dreaming about living there in the future – or even if you live there right now – NYC is always a great place to have on your walls as a constant reminder to something you love and gives you joy.
NYC offers different things to different people. Some people get connected to Central Park, while others prefer Times Square. For some NYC is an amazing architecture; for others it's all about fashion and style. New York is a lot of things to a lot of people, and I guess this is the message I tried to convey while capturing the NYC alphabet photos line for Imagine Letters.
New York is very emotional for me. The city represent lots of my dreams and Ideas from the past. When I was a teenager, New York was a place to look up for. I visited New York many times and every time I fell in love. There is something about this city that mesmerize me every time I visit there! I can't even put my finger on what exactly that thing is. It's just there, in the air.
For New York, I needed really huge lens as most letters were in a quiet of a distance from me. Getting to places was sometimes not too easy, as the city is very crowded and there were people simply everywhere. The nice thing was the diverse photography options: these little ancient churches right next to the tall skyscrapers... amazing!
My favourite letter photo from New York:
On one hand, I really like best the letter photos that reflect freedom: the statue of liberty (makes the letter i) and the 3 USA flags (makes the letter W). I think these letters makes every American proud in their democracy and overall freedom. On the other hand, there is the Rockefeller center statue (makes the letter O), that personally reflects my very own experience with New York City. This statue is one of the first things I was amazed with in my very first visit to New York, somewhere in the early '90. For me, it is a symbol of great architecture, great city and a great life. I can still remember myself as a young girl staring at this huge circle of iron against the super-tall buildings around it. I was impressed! Years later, Imagine Letters customers get to enjoy this architecture perl in their own home, which is so beautiful to me.
Click here to view the New York alphabet letter photos collection |
The letter O from New York |
The story behind the TORONTO letters:
Toronto is my home town, and a great favourite city. I just love this place! Its diverse population makes it a fascinating place to be and to live. You can find everything in Toronto – it's the melting pot of the world, where no one is a stranger.
But enough with compliments – let's get to the letters story! Shooting letters here was not an easy task. Unlike Paris and London, there is no letter on every corner. You should look harder. Thank god I live here so I had a little more time... the architecture is great, but most of it is a bit newer and has more of a straight lines with a modern look. For shooting letters, I always prefer the ancient way of curling and curves through the concrete. Still, Toronto has its treasures, and the Toronto line of letters is very beautiful and a great favourite among Imagine Letters customers.
My favourite letter photo from Toronto:
No doubt, my favourite letter photo of Toronto is the letter V taken out of a local nice elegant house roof. It was a very cold day when I shoot this photo, and there was still a thin line of snow on the top of the roof, which shows in the picture. I don't mind about it; I actually think that this is what makes the letter photo so real and special. This V is being used mostly for the word LOVE, and it make sense since it is such a romantic-looking V!

Click here to view the TORONTO alphabet letter photos collection
The letter V from Toronto |
Fashion Letters
To those of you who doesn't know me, I'm an artist who is using my artistic skills in my everyday work as a professional photographer. I shoot both art projects such as Imagine Letters, and commercial work for customers such as Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior. About a year after we launch Imagine Letters, I had the thought to combine the letter photos with some of the fashion icons I was shooting in the fashion world. So this is how it looks... obviously these letter photos are not for sale; they are just cute homage to the fashion world which I love!

Framing Ideas
We at Imagine Letters offer you beautiful, classic wooden frames in either brown color or black and white. But - you are welcome to add your creativity to ours, so something even more interesting will show! In the next page you will find some really great framing Ideas for our alphabet photos:
Click here to view our matching frames
Click here to view other framing Ideas
Imagine Letters for Events - the best give away gift for your guests!
Imagine Letters can create a wonderful give away gift for your guests! Whether it's a wedding, party, Bar Mitzvah or any kind of event -
your guests will always have this beautiful gift to use as a wall art or as a table photo.
We have many designs to choose from! After selecting your design, we will add your name/s and your event date. We can add your company logo if this is a corporate event -
so you can also use it as a great promotional product!
Click here to learn more about our events gifts program

(c) Imagine Letters 2014 | site Map |
Imagine Letters: Letters Art, Alphabet Prints, Wall Art, Photography, Alphabet Posters, Alphabet Photos,
Alphabet Art, Alphabet pictures, prints, wholesale, gifts, unique gifts, gift Idea,
Letters Art, Alphabet Prints, Wall Art, Photography, Alphabet Posters , Letters Art, Alphabet Prints, Wall Art, Photography, Alphabet Posters, Alphabet Photography, Alphabet Art, pictures, Alphabet pictures, prints, wholesale, gifts, unique gifts, alphabet art photos , wall art New York , modern wall art , New York wall art , cheap wall art ,alphabet wall art, wall art Toronto, alphabet art photography , wall art prints |